Thursday 22 December 2016

A Christmas Tale

Hey guys! I literally got back from Amsterdam three hours ago, I had the most amazing time. This piece is one I wrote last week, I'm really sorry but it's kinda sad. But I thought that I'd try to express that not everybody has a family to got to at Christmas, or at all.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

The white cotton wind bites at my exposed skin, as I walk through the empty street in the cold night, on Christmas Eve. Great colossal, detached houses stand stagnate as I pass. I'm not sure why I came down this road, or why I even left the orphanage in the first place. The bright flashing green and silver are draped around and among windows and bushes, each one belonging to a household, perhaps even a family.

I stopped suddenly in the thoughts of how futile this walk became, when actually I was supposed to be buying eggs, at least that's what I've told Mrs Bourne. But as I start to turn around, a certain window catches my vision. On the other side of the glass is a large brown sofa, sitting on top is a man, woman and two little girls. They're facing a fire, and I can almost imagine how warm it is when I stretch out my hand towards the crackling dancing orange. From what I can see I think they're watching The Grinch. In their peacefulness they are connected, the to adults arms are linked and wrapped around each other, and the girls cheeks are resting on their parents laps.

Well, who wants that. Who needs a family? Then a voice speaks in my mind, "you do".

I imagine that having a family looks a bit like that. A group of people who will always be there, who constantly radiate comfort and warmth. Of course, I would never truly know. I've never had one.

However I see myself with in that wholesome living room, joining them on the sofa. My mother squeezing my hand, and my father patting me on the shoulder as we watch the film. But while I am within, I am also without, in the cold, because nobody wants me.

I know what I want for Christmas, and I'm guessing since you're this far, you know too. It's what I wish for every year, I wish for a family, I wish to feel connected.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the juxtaposition of the description of the wind - soft white cotton and biting - it really demonstrates how the speaker is feeling so at war with themselves over whether they need a family, lovely piece!
