I've always loved reading and I've been reading for as long as I can remember, as cliché as that sounds, but it has always been my one solace in life. I'm currently in my second year of University where I’m studying English and Creative Writing, though I plan to complete a further year of education after I have completed my undergraduate degree with a PGCE.
My favourite forms of writing have shifted a lot in the past year. Whereas, before I enjoyed writing prose, I have now moved to writing plays and poetry a lot more. Some of my favourite playwrights are Henrik Ibsen, Arthur Miller, Alan Bennet, Shakespeare (of course), etc. I have also discovered a wide range of poets over my first year of university and have developed a love for William Carlos Williams, Dylan Thomas, Douglas Dunn, Michael Faber, Emily Dickinson, and Charles Bernstein.
Some of my favourite authors include J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter series), Phillip Pullman (His Dark Materials), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes), William Shakespeare (Edgar Allan Poe, Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice) and recently Pat Barker (Regeneration series), Ali Smith (The Accidental and Artful), Margaret Atwood (The Handmaid’s Tale), James Joyce, and Laini Taylor (Strange the Dreamer). I love Young Adult Fiction, Fantasy, Historical - Fiction and Classic literature, so my reviews will most likely focus on these types of literature. I have so many tropes that I dislike in literature, but my main pet peeve is love triangles. They are so unnecessary, and they don't move the plot along whatsoever! Love triangles need to be stopped.
If I'm not doing school work, reading, or writing, then I'm either watching Netflix, taking part in photography of some kind, or attempting to learn French. I also have my own BookTube channel which Heather and Lydia will probably feature on in the future, and my own Instagram account where I take photos of the books I am currently reading or have recently read and I put up a small review about them. I really hope you all enjoy our blog and we will try to post as regularly as we can, however we are full time students so this blog will mainly be in our spare time!